Settle consignments - quick complete

When to use this procedure

Use this procedure to settle with one or more consignors at one time for merchandise sold.

Refer to Settle consignments in batch mode for more detailed instructions on using batch settlement for your consignments.

Refer to Settle consignments for details on settling with consignors using AIMsi's legacy consignment settlement tool.

Steps to complete

Prerequisites: Set the IndustryType system variable to Consignment. Set the ConsignmentAddDetail system variable to N|N.

  1. Click the Settle Batch Consignment button on the Main button bar. The Settle Consignment (Batch Mode) window displays.
  2. Click Refresh. The Consignor Account grid populates with all accounts with unsettled consignment sales.
  3. Click Save. Receipts and/or checks are printed for each open account.